Build for Mobile, Web and Desktop

Your softwares and apps should run on cross platfroms and devices.

Lets build stuff

Mobile App Development

Let it be Android, iOS or hybrid app for mobile, our services are designed to cater all mobile development requirements from building mobile backends, UI/UX, security and more. Build functional, secure and scalable apps.

Web Development

We are a dedicated, experience team on building custom made web applications and websites for cloud for more than 5 years. We develop applications in variety of industries and business domains, including Tourism, E-Commerce, Healthcare and more.

Software Development

Build your business applications and softwares with latest software technologies. Leverage your business with any customized software solutions and integrate existing systems to any solutions you want.

BML Payment Gateway / Wallets Integrations

Full integration to BML Payment Gateway
Our Payment Channel Manager will allow you to configure your gateway settings and simulate both test and production environments.

API Design and Development

Build modern, secure RESTful API’s for all your software solutions and applications with industry best practices. These includes secure authorizations via OpenId connect, OAuth 2.0 and more. Any current systems and legacy systems can be integrated to these API’s.

Customized Software

Our services and teams are equipped to cater customized requirements to build any software solutions from desktop, web, mobile etc. across any domain.