CRM Customer Service

Customers are talking and reaching you every day on different platforms. Our CRM is designed for modern customer service automation and challenges including customer profiling, call management, email management, social media integrations and more. Get a 360 view of the customer to give a better service.


Customer Profile

Customers is always first, they always need to be served fast and better. If you know your customer well then you can give a better service. Customer profile comes with all aspects of customer on one place with all their records and history.

  • 360 View of the customer and insights on one screen.

  • Customer personal information Id, photos, phone, emails etc..

  • Customer Demographics, contacts and address

  • View customer recent cases and feedback

  • View customer calls, emails and social media posts.

  • Upload images or files to customer profile

Social Media Integrations

Customers are talking and complaining, it's important for business to listen and attend to all social media platforms, but it's challenging to follow up with all of these platforms at once. We are bringing all social media insights and posts on one screen from Facebook, Twitter and Instagram so that businesses can see what's happening in real time.

  • Posting, Replying, Commenting to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram on one platform

  • Auto identify posts with hashtags and words.

  • Create cases, feedback from social media posts, comments, messenger

  • Match customer profile to social media ids.

  • Reply to Facebook Messenger, Twitter DM via CRM

  • View social media insights on one screen.

Email Integration

Emails have become a traditional way of communication, so we are bringing modern integrated email solution into the CRM so you can always attend them faster with prior knowledge of the customer and their history.

  • Outlook 365 Integration to email

  • Attend emails via CRM by identifying the customer.

  • New Email, Reply, Forward to emails via CRM

  • Match customer profile via emails.

  • Create cases, feedback from emails and follow up

  • Search, filter, flag emails.

  • Real Time insights and response.

Call Integration

Calls are the most used form of customer support and we believe this should be connected to customers and their profile so that a better service could be given based on available information. Our call integration module can match customer profile on calls and show their profile and history.

  • Integrations to call centers or individual IP phones

  • Match customer profile on incoming and outgoing calls.

  • Make calls or receive calls via CRM

  • View customer profile on all calls.

  • Alcatel Lucent Integrations

  • 3CX Integrations

Case Management

Any query to a business via calls, emails, social media or physical is important. There has to be a way to record all this and learn from it over time. Case management comes with the ability to deliver a better query record system relatime from customers.

  • Create case from any sources like call, email, social media.

  • Assign cases to team members

  • Manage case status and define rules for changes

  • Follow up with case activities as a timeline

  • Case escalations to on different rules

  • Upload case documents and files

Feedback Management

A feedback is the key to understand the struggles of customers and their honest opinions. It's important to collect these feedback and make sense out of it to improve the service areas. This module is designed to collect and understand customer complaints and opinions from different sources.

  • Create feedback from calls, emails, social media and manual

  • Assign feedback handling to teams

  • Feedback collection via Kiosk

  • Online feedback collection via web forms

  • Feedback escalation on business rules

  • Manage feedback status and define rules for changes

  • Upload images and files

Survey Management

It's important to conduct surveys to get short and precious, quantitative answer from customers both in-business and online. Survey management covers aspects of making these questions, answers and results in just a few steps.

  • Conduct surveys both in house and online

  • Build survey forms with questions and answers

  • Online fill options

  • Kiosk/Tablet/Mobile surveys

  • Survey results and insights

Reports and Insights

Future is about customer data and insights of the data. Making insights of data requires a reliable data sources over a period of time. Reports and insights comes with both standard reports and customized reports for any data available in the system for any dates.

  • Case Reports

  • Feedback Reports

  • Customer Reports

  • Call reports

  • Email Reports

  • Social Media reports

  • User Reports

  • Scheduled Reports

  • Customized Reports on different dimensions and segments

  • Customizable dashboards for users

  • Charts and Visual insights

Request for a demo

Contact us for a free demo of the application.